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Nini 1-18-2009
Nini 7 months old today (1-21-2009)!
Nini’s got two teeth now, they came in last week the second one this week. She likes to put her finger in her mouth and feel her teeth with a far away expression on her face like What is this?
After a couple weeks of unwittingly saying “mamama” once in a while when she wants me to pick her up – well, today on her 7 month b-day she IS for sure saying “Mama” to me and has done it all day long! I’m floored – The fact that she’s forming a word, and that it’s “Mama”. Weee!
the city and the baby
stand proud
today, ookala mastered high art of standing up. holding onto something, but still. consequently, she graduated from no longer safe cradle into a proper crib.